Yes to Languages
The module is aimed at 3rd to 6th class and the school can select the language of choice. Languages selected in 21/22 included French, Spanish, Irish Sign Language, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Arabic, Tamil and Portuguese.
Minister Foley said “I am delighted with the response of our schools to the module in 21/22. It has been warmly and positively welcomed by 500 schools and has engaged almost 40,000 pupils with the range of languages used by their classmates. I hope that this extension of the module will encourage more schools to participate.”
The module can be delivered by either the class teacher in the school or by an individual identified by the school as a suitable tutor (e.g. a language teacher/ Foreign Language Assistant in a local post-primary school or a member of the community who is fluent in the chosen language e.g. parent).
We are participating in this programme this year and we have selected French as our chosen subject. We are really excited and are looking forward to engaging with this programme.